Maybe you’ve done Dream Trip events with me in person or by virtual LiveStream before... but this year will be bigger and better than you've ever seen.
Join me for 3 days as we:
Discover how to build relationships that contain and support the agenda of God
Identify who you are called to be in your next critical chapter
Become 100% engaged in God's purposes.
Start defining what the new story of your life will be.
Build your heavenly alignment with the empowering virtues that will drive you forward regardless of obstacles.
Realize what has held you back and what will truly motivate you through your OPEN DOOR.
Begin a new updated goal setting process to create a clear strategy to access the compelling future God is showing you.
$197 Gets You LIVE Access To Speakers Such As:
Lance & Annabelle Wallnau
Ken Eldred: Founder & CEO, Living Stones Foundation